Editorial ERJSSH Volume 11.1



Harmonizing Perspectives: Navigating the Academic Seas

By Dr. Busha Taa, Editor-in-Chief

Writing an ERJSSH editorial is a noble endeavor, akin to directing an intellectual symphony. We find ourselves at the helm of the Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (ERJSSH) at time of season change, leaves rustle and coffee cups warming our hands. We cordially invite you all to board ERJSSH's ship, which is loaded down with ideas and ink, sailing toward the 11th volume!

In this issue, we chart unexplored territories with compasses pointing to the crossroad of postmodernity, where cultures collide like tectonic plates – jam-packed with migratory patterns of ideas—followed by currents, eddies, and unexpected whirlpools. In such a perturbed setting, the ERJSSH is docked alongside resilience, accommodation and adaptation like sailors with a map tattooed on their heart—a map that leads not to treasure but to understanding.  This journal focuses on the way societies accommodate difference by building ramps to inclusion –supported by editors who wield their sextants, gauging the angles of empathy.

The University of Gondar is situated at the metropolitan Gondar- an anchor city- whispering secrets with its ancient castles—stone witnesses to empires and ancient churches —that still stand tall. And, it is from the University of Gondar, Ethiopia – the ERJSSH explores national and global cobbled streets, granting the marginalized ones to weave their narratives—voicing their echo through time, demanding recognition. As reputed journal, ERJSSH pays attentions to the scholarly voices, penning their stories into vivid existence.

Dear Readers,

Our editors’ duty is to be lighthouses - illuminating paths for fellow scholars, ensuring that authors’ vessels do not clatter against rocky shores. Easing the strain, an enlightening peer review—the scholarly semaphore—earnestly guides us to the light of intellectual warehouse. We salute the reviewers, our unsung heroes for thoroughly sifting through manuscripts, separating gold from pyrite.

In conclusion, let us raise our quills like ship masts and may ERJSSH remain a vessel for bold ideas, a refuge for intellectual wanderers. And when you read our articles, imagine the wind in your hair, the taste of salt on your lips—the thrill of discovery! 

Bon voyage to our fellow seekers of knowledge. Until our next rendezvous, may your thoughts sail far and your curiosity unfurl like a billowing cruise.

Author Biography

Dr. Busha Taa, Editor-in-Chief

Dr. Busha J. Taa is an associate professor of sociology at the University of Gondar in the Amhara regional state, of Ethiopia. He is interested in examining globalization, development, disability, and migration-related movements. At present, he is working on disability policies, identities, family problems, and their impacts on Ethiopian children 

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How to Cite

Taa, D. B. (2024). Editorial ERJSSH Volume 11.1. Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and the Humanities, 11(1). Retrieved from https://erjssh.uog.edu.et/index.php/ERJSSH/article/view/796