Oral History and its Signifcance of Takle ʾAqʷāqʷām
ባህላዊ ትምህርት ቤት፣ ተክሌ አቋቋምAbstract
This study is presented under the title of ‘Oral History and its Signifcance of Takle ʾAqʷāqʷām. The objectives of the study are how the Takle ʾAqʷāqʷām was authored, how it was passed down from generation to generation, how the story looks over time, and the current status and importance of this Ethiopian Orthodox Tawāhdo church Swaying and Chanting. The study utilized purposive and simple random sampling methods for data collection by using observation, interviews, and analysis of primary and secondary documents. The study was analysed using descriptive and narrative methods from the qualitative data analysis method. The
result of this study is that Takle ʾAqʷāqʷām (Swaying and Chanting) of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tawāhdo church was authored by ʾAlaqā Gabra Ḥanā (r.1821–1902) around Lake Tana region and then Gabra Ḥanā taught this newly invented ʾAqʷāqʷām to his son Takle (r.1860–1915). However, Takle went to Wallo for some reason. When the church Tantā Mikāʾel in Wallo was founded, Takle presented this ʾAqʷāqʷām. After he became known as the elite of this ʾAqʷāqʷām during that time, Rās Gugsā Wale (r.1875–1930) requested
and got permission approval from Rās Mikāʾel of Wollo (r.1850–1918) for bringing Takle to Dabra Tābor ʾIyasus church. Then Rās Gugsā assigned him as the teacher of this newly invented Aqʷāqʷām and governor of the ancient Dabra Tābor ʾIyasus church. Takle taught this Aqʷāqʷām until he passed away which is also later named by his name. This Aqʷāqʷām well expanded in the country after the death of Takle where many church school teachers between Takle to the contemporary teacher Mamhər Maršā teach at Dabra Tābor
ʾIyasus church. However, the continuation of this Aqʷāqʷām is in danger of extinction because the learning and teaching process is only through oral methods and it has not yet been published or fIlmed. Another problem is that there aren’t any subordinate schools that could pre-train or subsidize students for this department. Thus, the study suggested that transcribing, publishing, and documentary flming of Takle Aqʷāqʷām is the frst solution to preserve and transfer to the current and next generation. In addition, addressing the needs of the current attending students and the concerned parties should give the necessary attention to establishing
the Takle ʾAqʷāqʷām as a heritage.
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